Join us for our annual conference to collaborate with fellow teachers, counselors, principals, and leadership teams who work in rural schools to share successful strategies for this unique educational setting. We are looking for presenters who will engage participants with high interest topics centered around findings from the Rural Schools Spotlight Report and Rural School Task Force.
Conference Audience:
Campus and/or District Teams, Principals, Counselors, Teachers
Session Format:
General Breakout
Session Length: 60 minutes
Audience Size: Maximum of 60 people
General breakout sessions provide active and engaging learning in theater seating or round tables (9 participants per table). Participants will interact with others surrounding an issue, learn a new skill, develop an action plan, or other similar activities. Proposals should include explicit opportunities for audience participation in the learning process. Participants should leave the session with information to share with their campus/district and/or new strategies to implement. Take-away ideas or strategies are essential.
Presenter Fees and Registration:
- Conference registration fees will be covered for one Primary Presenter and one Co-presenter per proposal. Additional co-presenters are responsible for their own registration fee. Presenters and all co-presenters are responsible for the cost of lodging.
- If your attendance at the conference is contingent on your proposal being selected, please wait to register for the conference until after you receive notifications that your proposal has been accepted or declined.
Important Dates:
- January 10 – Presenter Proposal submission deadline.
- January 16 – Presenters will be notified of acceptance or rejection.