Dr. Jim Knight

Founder and Senior Partner of Instructional Coaching Group

About Dr. Jim Knight

Jim Knight, Founder and Senior Partner of Instructional Coaching Group (ICG), is also a research associate at the University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning. He has spent more than two decades studying professional learning and instructional coaching. Jim earned his PhD in Education from the University of Kansas and has won several university teaching, innovation, and service awards.

The pioneering work Jim and his colleagues have conducted has led to many innovations that are now central to professional development in schools. Jim wrote the first major article about instructional coaching for the Journal of Staff Development, and his book Instructional Coaching (2007) offered the first extended description
 of instructional coaching. Jim’s book Focus on Teaching (2014) was the first extended description of how video should be used for professional learning. Recently, writing with Ann Hoffman, Michelle Harris, and Sharon Thomas, Jim introduced the idea of instructional playbooks with their book on that topic.

Jim has written several books in addition to those described above, including Unmistakable Impact (2011), High-Impact Instruction (2013), Better Conversations (2015), The Impact Cycle (2018), and The Definitive Guide to Instructional Coaching (2021). Knight has also authored articles on instructional coaching and professional learning in publications such as Educational Leadership, The Journal of Staff Development, Principal Leadership, The School Administrator, and Kappan. Jim is also a columnist for Educational Leadership and.

Through ICG, Knight conducts coaching workshops, hosts the Facebook Live Program, “Coaching Conversations,” and provides consulting for coaching programs around the world.

He began his career in education more than 45 years ago as an elementary school teacher. For the past 30+ years he has served as a consultant to school districts, teacher organizations, state departments of education, and colleges and universities both nationally and internationally. His development of strategies to connect with clients virtually has greatly increased his availability for personalized facilitation and coaching.

Steve is a master teacher-of-educators, a highly motivational and riveting speaker who is extraordinarily knowledgeable about life in schools. A catalyst for growth, he is a true role model who practices what he teaches.

Keynote Address

Empowering Conversations: How One Conversation Can Change Everything

It might sound like an exaggeration, but the truth is, a single conversation can change a life. Most of us have had moments where someone said exactly what we needed to hear—words that lifted us up, gave us clarity, or helped us take the next step forward. Sometimes, a conversation opens our eyes to new possibilities. Other times, it challenges us to think differently, act boldly, or see the world in a new way.

The reality is, we live our lives in conversations. Whether we’re talking with friends, family, colleagues, or even strangers, every interaction is an opportunity to make a difference. And the way we communicate—what we believe about others, the skills we bring to the conversation, and the process we follow—determines just how meaningful that difference will be.

The good news? There are simple, powerful ways to improve our conversations. When we learn how to listen deeply, ask thoughtful questions, and create space for real dialogue, our relationships grow stronger, our impact expands, and our lives become more fulfilling.

This session is for anyone who wants to communicate more effectively—because, really, isn’t that all of us? Whether you’re leading, coaching, teaching, parenting, or simply trying to connect more meaningfully with the people around you, this session will offer practical strategies to transform your conversations—and maybe even your world.